Dear DaVOM
Is it ur buffday 2day? goshhh...
Ahhh sweety, u turn 1 years old 2day. I almost forgot it's ur buffday 2day. Forgive me my dear. I have so many shitty things in my head to think. I cursed n sweared a lot these days. U knew i'm very lancang when it's come to certain things dat i'm not agree wit or when someone making me look bad sedangkan i didn't do or say anything about them. But u knew me well rite, i seldomly voice out my opinion, either in falsetto or vibrato. Hehe
Because 2day is ur buffday, i wud like to tell u a secret. Can ah? can laaa. U know sweety, there have been so many times that i wanna leave you, dump you. I mean i wanna to break up with u. I wanna run n dun look back anymore. I hated you, i cursed u. Sometimes i feel neglected by u, i think u just pay attention or pilih kasih to certain peps. It's hurt me so much because i love u a mucho with all my heart and soul.
U r my 1st luv darling. Throughtout this relationship, we had so many bad n good time, up n down. It's lumrah isn'it? When something bad happened between us, i consoled my heart n told my self to think about our good time together. N yeah baby, we have so many sweets moments that can be list down to make any couple on planet earth to have reasons to hated us thus envying us.
Ok la honey, i have to stop here. We'll meet 2nite to celebrate.
Muah muah
Happy Bday Da VOM.
mmuahz mmuahzz
huhu, hepi buffday... mana akak ni, x sampai2 lagi, kami semer dah lapooooo
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